Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense Active se Passive banane ke Rules

Past Continuous Tense के वाक्यों की Passive Voice बनाने के लिए निम्नांकित Rules का अध्ययन करें |

1. Active Voice से Passive Voice केवल उन्हीं Sentences  की बनेगी जिनमें Transitive Verb का use हुआ है |

2. Subject को Object तथा Object को Subject बनाते हैं |

3. Past Continuous Tense की Passive Voice में helping verb was being तथा were being का use करते हैं |

4. Passive Voice में Verb की 3rd form का use होता है |

Present Indefinite Tense (Simple Present)

Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense 

Affirmative Sentences 

1.  एक लड़की पेड के नीचे बैठी एक किताब पढ रही थी |

Active Voice 

A girl was reading a book sitting under the tree. 

Passive Voice 

A book was being read by a girl sitting under the tree.

2.  शेक्सपियर एक किताब लिख रहा था |

Active Voice 

Shakespeare was writing a book.

Passive Voice 

A book was being written by Shakespeare 

3.  वह अपना कमरा सजा रही थी |

Active Voice 

She was decorating her room.

Passive Voice 

Her room was being decorated by her.

4.  मिन्टो अख्बार पढ रहा था |

Active Voice 

Minto was reading newspaper.

Passive Voice 

Newspaper was being read by Minto.

5.  माली पौधों को पानी दे रहा था |

Active Voice 

The gardener was watering to the plants.

Passive Voice 

The plants were being watered by the gardener.

Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense 

Negative Sentences 

1.  टिंकू पतंग नहीं उडा रहा था |

Active Voice 

Tinku was not flying the kite.

Passive Voice 

The kite was not being flown by Tiny. 

2.  ग़ालिब ग़ज़ल नहीं गा रहा था |

Active Voice 

Ghalib was not singing ghazal. 

Passive Voice 

Ghazal was not being sung by Ghalib.

3. ओरलेन्डो रोज़ालिंड को नहीं देख रहा था

Active Voice 

Orlando was not looking at Rozalind.

Passive Voice 

Rozalind was not being looked at by Orlando.

4. वह उस समय अपना गृह कार्य नहीं कर रही थी |

Active Voice 

She was not doing her homework at that time.

Passive Voice 

Her homework was not being done by her at that time.

5.  धोबी हमारे कपडे नहीं धो रहा था |

Active Voice 

The washerman was not washing our clothes.

Passive Voice 

Our clothes were not being washed by the washerman.

Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense 

Interrogative Sentences 

1.  क्या हेमामालिनी स्टेज पर डिस्को डांस कर रही थी ?

Active Voice 

Was Hemamalini dancing disco on the stage ?

Passive Voice 

Was disco being danced by Hemamalini on the stage ?

2.  क्या बच्चा चाय पी रहा था ?

Active Voice 

Was the child taking tea ?

Passive Voice 

Was tea being taken by the child ?

3.  क्या गाँव वाले चोर का पीछा कर रहे थे ?

Active Voice 

Was the villagers chasing the thief ?

Passive Voice 

Was the theif being chased by the villagers ?

4.  मास्टरजी बच्चों को क्यों पीट रहे थे ?

Active Voice 

Why were the teacher beating the children ?

Passive Voice 

Why were the children being beaten by the teacher ?

5.  तुमको कौन बुला रहा था ?

Active Voice 

Who was calling you ?

Passive Voice 

By whom were you being called ?

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Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense Active Voice से Passive Voice बनाने के Rules

यहाँ पर Active Voice से Passive Voice बनाने के कुछ Rules दिये गये हैं इन्हें ध्यानपूर्वक पढें |

1. Active Voice से Passive Voice केवल उन्हीं Sentences  की बनेगी जिनमें Transitive Verb का use हुआ है |

2. Subject को Object तथा Object को Subject बनाते हैं |

3. Past Indefinite Tense की Passive Voice में helping verb was तथा were का use करते हैं |

4. Passive Voice में Verb की 3rd form का use होता है |

Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense 

Affirmative Sentences 

Examples :

1. उसने मुझे एक किताब दी |

Active Voice 

She gave me a book. 

Passive Voice 

A book was given me by him. 

I was given a book by him.

2. प्रधान मंत्री ने स्टेज पर भाषण दिया | 

Active Voice 

The prime minister delivered speech on the stage.

Passive Voice 

Speech was delivered on the stage by the prime minister.

3.  राधा ने एक मधुर गीत गाया |

Active Voice 

Radha sang a sweet song.

Passive Voice 

A sweet song was sung by Radha.

4. सचिन क्रिकेट खेलता था |

Active Voice 

Sachin played the cricket. 

Passive Voice

The cricket was played by Sachin. 

5.  मास्टरजी उन्हें रोज़ाना अँग्रेज़ी पढाते थे |

Active Voice 

The teacher taught them english daily.

Passive Voice 

English was taught them daily by the teacher.

They were taught english daily by the teacher.

6.  मैंने कहा |

Active Voice 

I said.

Passive Voice 

It is said by me. 

Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense 

Negative Sentences 

Examples :

1.  राजा ने उसे नहीं देखा |

Active Voice 

The king did not look him. 

Passive Voice 

He was not looked by the king.

2.  उसने खाना नहीं खाया |

Active Voice 

He did not eat the food.

Passive Voice 

The food was not eaten by him.

3.  वह इस नदी में नहीं नहाता था |

Active Voice 

He did not take bath in this river.

Passive Voice 

Bath was not taken by him in this river.

4.  वह कुछ नहीं जानता था |

Active Voice 

He knew nothing.

Passive Voice 

Nothing was known by him.

5.  हम शाम का खाना नहीं खाते थे |

Active Voice 

We didn't take dinner. 

Passive Voice 

Dinner was not taken by us.

Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense 

Interrogative Sentences 

Examples :

1.  क्या वह स्टेज पर गाना गाती थी ?

Active Voice 

Did she sing song on the stage ?

Passive Voice 

Was song sung by her on the stage ?

2.  उसने अखबार क्यों नहीं पढा ?

Active Voice 

Why did he not read the newspaper ?

Passive Voice 

Why was the newspaper read by him ?

3.  आप फुटबॉल क्यों खेलते थे ?

Active Voice 

Why did you play the football ?

Passive Voice 

Why was the football played by you ?

4.  दरवाज़ा किसने खटखटाया ?

Who knocked the door ?

Passive Voice 

By whom was the door knocked  ?

5.  वे नाश्ते में क्या लेते थे ?

Active Voice 

What did they take in breakfast ?

Passive Voice 

What was taken by them in breakfast ?

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Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense 

Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense 

Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense 

Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense Active से Passive बनाने के Rules

1. Active Voice से Passive Voice केवल उन्हीं Sentences  की बनेगी जिनमें Transitive Verb का use हुआ है |

2. Subject (कर्ता) को Object (कर्म) तथा Object (कर्म) को Subject (कर्ता) बनाते हैं |

3. Present Perfect Tense की Passive Voice में helping verb has been तथा have been का use करते हैं |

4. Active से Passive बनाने में Verb की 3rd form का use होता है |

Present Perfect Tense (हिन्दी से English बनाने के  Rules) 

Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense 

Affirmative Sentences 

Structure of Active Sentence 

Subject + has/have + verb(3rd form) + object + compliment 

Structure of Passive Sentence 

Object of active sentence + has/have + been + verb(3rd form) + by + subject of active sentence + compliment

Examples :

1. राजू ने अपना पाठ याद कर लिया है |

Raju has learnt his lesson. (Active Voice)

His lesson has been learnt by Raju. (Passive Voice)

2. गोरी ने मिठाई खा ली है |

Gouri has eaten the sweet. (Active Voice)

The sweet has been eaten by Gouri. (Passive Voice)

3. राधा ने ताजमहल देख लिया है |

Radha has seen the Taj Mehal. (Active Voice)

The Taj Mehal has been seen by Radha. (Passive Voice)

4. मास्टरजी ने हमें यह पाठ पढा दिया है |

The teacher has taught us this lesson. (Active Voice)

This lesson has been taught us by the teacher. (Passive Voice) 

We have been taught this lesson by the teacher. (Passive Voice)

5. माली फूल तोड चुका है |

The gardner has plucked the flowers. (Active Voice)

The flowers have been plucked by the gardener. (Passive Voice)

Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense 

Negative Sentences 

Structure of Active Sentence 

Subject + has/have + not + verb(3rd form) + object + compliment.

Structure of Passive Sentence 

Object of the active sentence + has/have + not + been + verb(3rd form) + by + subject of the active sentence + compliment.


1. मैंने उसे छत पर कभी नहीं देखा है |

I have never seen her on the roof.  (Active Voice)

She has never been seen by me on the roof.  (Passive Voice)

2. किसान अपना खेत नहीं जोत चुका है |

The farmer has not ploughed his field. (Active Voice)

His field has not been ploughed by the farmer. (Passive Voice)

3. शेर हिरन को नहीं खा चुका है |

The lion has not eaten the deer. (Active Voice)

The deer has not been eaten by the lion. (Passive Voice)

4. धोबी ने हमारे कपडे नहीं धोये हैं |

The washerman has not washed our clothes. (Active Voice)

Our clothes have not been washed by the washerman. (Passive Voice)

5. मैंने उसे कुछ नहीं कहा है |

I have said him nothing. (Active Voice)

He has been said nothing by me. (Passive Voice)

Nothing has been said him by me. (Passive Voice)

Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense 

Interrogative Sentences 

Structure of Active Sentence 

1. क्या तुमने कभी ताजमहल देखा है ?

Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal ? (Active Voice)

Has the Taj Mahal been ever seen by you ? (passive Voice)

2. क्या पुलिस ने चोर को कैद कर लिया है |

Has the police arrested the thief ? (Active Voice)

Has the thief been arrested by the police ? (Passive Voice)

3. तुमने उसे वह किताब क्यों दी है ?

Why have you given that book to him ?  (Active Voice)

Why has that book been given to him by you ? (Passive Voice)

Why has he been given that book by you ? (Passive Voice)

4. तुम्हें यह पाठ किसने पढाया है ?

Who has taught you this lesson ? (Active Voice)

By whom has this lesson been taught you ? (Passive Voice)

5. क्या इन दोनों लडकियों ने आम खा लिये हैं ?

Have these two girls eaten the mangoes ? (Active Voice)

Have the mangoes been eaten by these two girls ? (Passive Voice)

Valuable Posts 

Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense 

Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense Active से Passive बनाने के Rules

1. Active Voice से Passive Voice केवल उन्हीं Sentences  की बनेगी जिनमें Transitive Verb का use हुआ है |

2. Subject (कर्ता) को Object (कर्म) तथा Object (कर्म) को Subject (कर्ता) बनाते हैं |

3. Present Continuous Tense की Passive Voice में helping verb is being, are being तथा am being का use करते हैं |

4. Active से Passive बनाने में Verb की 3rd form का use होता है |

Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense 

Affirmative Sentences 

Structure of the active sentence 

Subject + is/are/am + verb(ing form)  + object + compliment

Structure of the passive sentence 

Object of the active sentence + is/are/am + being + verb(3rd form) + by + subject of the active sentence + compliment

1. पिताजी एक अखबार पढ रहे हैं |

The father is reading a newspaper. (Active Voice)

A newspaper is being read by the father. (Passive Voice)

2. माताजी रसोई में खाना बना रही हैं |

The mother is cooking the food in the kitchen. (active Voice)

The food is being cooked by the mother in the kitchen. (Passive Voice)

3. बन्दर पेड के नीचे बैढकर केला खा रहा है |

The monkey is eating banana sitting under the tree. (Active Voice)

Banana is being eaten by the monkey sitting under the tree. (Passive Voice)

4. लड़कियां किताबें पढ रही हैं |

The girls are reading the books. (Active Voice)

The books are being read by the girls. (Passive Voice)

5. नौ साल की एक सुन्दर लडकी टोकरियां बेच रही है |

A beautiful girl of nine is selling the baskets. (Active Voice)

The baskets are being sold by a beautiful girl of nine. (Passive Voice)

Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense 

Negative Sentences 

Structure of the active sentence 

Subject + is/are/am + not + verb(ing form) + object + compliment.

Structure of the passive sentence 

Object of the active sentence + is/are/am + not + being + verb(3rd form) + by + subject of the active sentence + compliment.

1. राधा गाना नहीं गा रही है |

Radha is not singing a song. (Active Voice)

A song is not being sung by Radha. (Passive Voice)

2. मोहन किताब नहीं पढ रहा है |

Mohan is not reading the book. (Active Voice)

The book is not being read by Mohan. (Passive Voice)

3. टिंकू पतंग नहीं उडा रहा है |

Tinku is not flying the kite. (Active Voice)

The kite is not being flown by Tinku. (Passive Voice)

4. डॉक्टर मरीज़ को दवा नहीं दे रहा है |

The doctor is not giving medicine to the patient. (Active Voice)

The patient is not being given medicine by the doctor. (Passive Voice)

5. वह मरीज़ों को रक्तदान नहीं कर रहा है |

He is not donating blood to the patients. (Active Voice)

The patients are not being donated blood by him. (Passive Voice)

Blood is not being donated to the patients by him.  (Passive Voice)

Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense

Interrogative Sentences 

Structure of active sentence 

Is/Are/am + subject + verb(ing form) + object + compliment.

Structure of passive sentence 

Is/are/am + object of the active sentence + being + verb(ing form) + by + subject of the active sentence + compliment.

1. क्या वकील जज को दस्तावेज़ नहीं दे रहा है ?

Is the lawyer not giving documents to the judge. 

Is documents not being given by the lawyer to the judge.

2. क्या वह लडका फुटबॉल खेल रहा है ?

Is that boy playing football ? (Active Voice)

Is football being played by that boy ? (Passive Voice)

3. तुम यह आम क्यों खा रहे हो ?

Why are you eating this mango ? (Active Voice)

Why are this mango being eaten by you ? (Passive Voice)

4. प्रधान मंत्री जी क्या कह रहे हैं ?

What is the prime minister saying ? (Active Voice)

What is being said by the prime minister ? (Passive Voice)

5. दरवाज़ा कौन खटखटा रहा है |

Who are knocking the door ? (Active Voice)

The door is being knocked by whom ? (Passive Voice)

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Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense 

What Are The Parts of Sentence

Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense Active से Passive बनाने के Rules

Passive Voice बनाने के Rules

1. Active Voice से Passive Voice केवल उन्हीं वाक्यों की बनेगी जिनमें Transitive Verb का use हुआ है |

2. Subject (कर्ता) को Object (कर्म) तथा Object (कर्म) को Subject (कर्ता) बनाते हैं |

3. Present Indefinite Tense की Passive Voice में helping verb is, are, am का use करते हैं |

4. Active से Passive बनाने में Verb की 3rd form का use करते हैं |

Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense 

Affirmative Sentences

1. राम आम खाता है |

Ram eats the mango. (Active Voice)

The mango is eaten by Ram. (Passive Voice)

2. वह मुझे एक किताब देता है |

He gives me a book. (Active Voice)

इस sentence में दो objects हैं अत: इस की passive voice दो तरीके से बन सकती है |

A book is given me by him. (Passive Voice)

I am given a book by him. (Passive Voice)

("me" को subject के रूप में "I" लिखते हैं |)

3. बढई एक सुन्दर मेज़ बनाता है |

The carpenter makes a beautiful table. (Active Voice)

A beautiful table is made by the carpenter. (Active Voice)

4. ये लड़कियां अपना गृह कार्य अच्छी प्रकार करती हैं |

These girls do their home work properly. (Active Voice)

Their home work is done by these girls properly. (Passive Voice)

5.  लडके मैदान में क्रिकेट खेलते हैं |

The boys play cricket in the field. (Active Voice)

Cricket is played by the boys in the field. (Passive Voice)

Negative Sentences

1. वह अपनी किताब उसे नहीं देता है |

He does not give his book to her. (Active Voice)

His book is not given her by him. (Passive Voice)

She is not given his book by him. (passive Voice)

2.  मास्टरजी सुबह को अँग्रेज़ी नहीं पढाते हैं |

The teacher does not teach english in the morning . (Active Voice)

English is not taught by the teacher in the morning . (Passive Voice)

3.  लड़कियां एक मधुर गीत नहीं गाती हैं |

The girls do not sing a sweet song. (Active Voice)

A sweet song is not sung by the girls. (Passive Voice)

4.  प्रधान मंत्री जी स्टेज पर भाषण नहीं देते हैं |

The prime minister does not deliver speech on the stage.  (Active Voice)

Speech is not deliverd by the prime minister on the stage.  (Passive Voice)

5.  वे दरवाज़ा नहीं खोलते हैं |

They do not open the door. (Active Voice)

The door is not opened by them. (Passive Voice)

Interrogative Sentences

1.  क्या तुम रोज़ाना अखबार पढते हो ?

Do you read newspaper daily ? (Active Voice)

Is newspaper read by you daily ? (passive Voice)

2. तुम्हें अँग्रेज़ी कौन पढाता है ?

Who teaches you english ? (Active Voice)

English is taught you by whom ? (Passive Voice)

You are taught english by whom ? (Passive Voice)

By whom are you taught english ? (Passive Voice)

3. तुम वहाँ क्या करते हो ?

What do you do there ?  (Active Voice)

What is done by you there ? (Passive Voice)

4. क्या वह एक गाना गाती है ?

Does she sing a song ? (Active Voice)

Is a song sung by her ? (passive Voice)

5.  क्या मास्टरजी रोज़ाना यह पाठ पढाते हैं ?

Does the teacher teach this lesson daily. (Active Voice)

Is this lesson taught by the teacher daily. (Passive Voice)

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Diseases and conditions of the human body

  • Diseases of the human body - मानव शरीर की व्याधिया

  • Mesothelioma - केन्सर की एक क़िसम

  • Fever - बुखार
  • Cold - ठण्ड
  • Belching - डकार
  • Sputum - थूक
  • Asthama - दमा
  • Headache - सर दर्द
  • Stomachache - पेट दर्द
  • Loose motion - दस्त
  • Ringworm - दाद
  • Long sight - दूर दृष्टि
  • Bronchitis - धसका
  • Insomnia - नींद न आना
  • Stone - पथरी
  • Sweat - पसीना
  • Mad - पागल
  • Lunacy - पागलपन
  • Pus - पीव
  • Dysentery - पेचिश
  • Leucorrohea - प्रदर
  • Thirst - प्यास
  • Plague - महामारी
  • Boil -  फोड़ा
  • Phlegm - बलगम
  • Piles - बवासीर
  • Fistula - भगन्दर
  • Pimples - मुंहासे
  • Diabetes - मधुमेह
  • Wart - मस्सा
  • Epidemic - महामारी
  • Epilepsy - मिर्गी
  • Indigestion - बदहज़मी
  • Short sight - अल्पदृष्टि
  • Blind - अँधा
  • Acidity - अम्लपित्त
  • Diarrhoea - अतिसार
  • Hernia - आंत उतरना
  • Vomiting - उलटी
  • One eyed - काना
  • Leprocy - कोढ़
  • Cough - खांसी
  • Constipation -क़ब्ज़
  • Measles - खसरा
  • Itch - खुजली
  • Anaemia - खून की कमी
  • Bleeding - खून बहना
  • Gout - गठिया
  • Hoarseness - गला बैठना
  • Tumour - गाँठ
  • Abortion - गर्भपात
  • Tonsil - गलसुआ
  • Gland - गिल्टी
  • Bald - गांजा
  • Wound - ज़ख्म
  • Giddiness - चक्कर
  • Hurt - चोट
  • Sneeze - छींकना
  • Yawh - जम्हाई लेना
  • Coryza - ज़ुकाम
  • Syphilis - आतिशक
  • Con junctivitis - आँख आना
  • Tears - आँसू
  • Eczema - खाज , एलर्जी
  • One eyed - काना
  • Joundice - पीलिया
  • Hunchbacked - कुबड़ा
  • Worms -कृमि
  • Cough - खांसी
  • Anaemia - खून की कमी
  • Hemorrhage - खून बहना
  • Rheumatism - गठिया
  • Syphilis - गर्मी
  • Hoarseness - गला बैठना
  • Dumb - गंगा
  • Giddiness - चक्कर
  • Obesity - चर्बी चढ़ना
  • Hurt - चोट
  • Shortsized - छोटे क़द का
  • Yawning - जँभाई
  • Belching - डकार
  • Pain - दर्द
  • Stool - दस्त
  • Lean - दुबला
  • Sprain - नस चटकना
  • Sinus - नासूर
  • Sleep - नींद
  • Insanity - पागलपन
  • Bile -पित्त
  • Thurst - प्यास
  • Elephantiasis - फीलपांव
  • Boil - फोड़ा
  • Phlegm - बलगम
  • Dwarf - बौना
  • Hunger - भूख
  • Griping - मरोड़
  • Mole - मस्सा
  • Plague - महामारी
  • Urine - मूत्र
  • Fat - मोटा
  • Cataract - मोतयाबिंद
  • Typhoid - मोतीझर्रा
  • Acne- मुहासा
  • Saliva - लार
  • Phthisis Tuberculosis (T.B.) - राजयक्ष्मा (टी. बी.)
  • Lame - लँगड़ा
  • Dangue - लँगड़ा बुखार
  • Sunstroke - लू लगना
  • Influenza - शीत ज्वर
  • Breath - साँस
  • Swelling - सूजन
  • Hiccup - हिचकी
  • Cholera - हैज़ा

Human Body All Parts Name list

  • Human body - मानव शरीर - (manav shareer)
  • Blood - रक्त - (rakt)
  • Head - सर- (sar)
  • Hair - बाल- (baal)
  • Eye - आँख - (aankh)
  • Ring finger - अनामिका - (anamika)
  • Finger - अंगुली(हाथ की) - (anguli)
  • Toe - अँगुली(पैर की) - (anguli)
  • Thumb - अँगूठा(हाथ का) - angutha
  • Intestine - आँत - (aant)
  • Heel - ऐड़ी - (adi)
  • Lip - होंठ - (honth)
  • Shoulder - कन्धा - (kandha)
  • Tample - कनपटी - (kanpati)
  • Waist - कमर - (kamar)
  • Wrist - कलाई - (kalai)
  • Ear - कान - (kaan)
  • Little finger - कानी अँगुली - (kaani anguli)
  • Arm - भुजा - (bhuja)
  • Hand - हाथ - (haath)
  • Elbow - कोहनी - (kohni)
  • Skull - खोपड़ी - (khopdi)
  • Neck - गर्दन - (gardan)
  • Womb - गर्भ - (garbh)
  • Uterus - गर्भाशय - (garbhashey)
  • Throat - गला - (gala)
  • Cheek - गाल - (gaal)
  • Anus - गुदा - (guda)
  • Kidney - गुर्दा - (gurda)
  • Lap - गोद - (god)
  • Knee - घुटना - (ghutna)
  • Nipple - चूचुक - (choochuk)
  • Rump, Buttock - कूल्हा - (koolha)
  • Face - चेहरा  - (chehra)
  • Braid - चोटी - (choti)
  • Chest - छाती(पुरुष की) - (chhati)
  • Breast - छाती(स्त्री की) - (chhati)
  • Jaw - जबड़ा - (jabda)
  • Thigh - जाँघ - (jaangh)
  • Liver - जिगर - (jigar)
  • Tongue - जीभ - (jeebh)
  • Lock - जूड़ा - (jooda)
  • Joint - जोड़ - (jod
  • Chin - ठोड़ी - (thodi)
  • Index-finger - तर्जनी - (tarjani)
  • Sole - तलवा - (talva)
  • Palate - तालू - (taalu)
  • Snout - थूथुन - (thoothun)
  • Jaw - दाढ़ - (daarh
  • Beard - दाढ़ी - (dadhi
  • Tooth - दांत - (daanth)
  • Brain - दिमाग़ - (dimagh)
  • Artery - धमनी - (dhamno)
  • Nail - नाख़ून - (naakhoon)
  • Nostril - नथुना - (nathuna)
  • Gullet - निगल नली - (nigal nali)
  • Ankle - नली(पैर की) - (nali)pair ki
  • Vein - नस - (nas)
  • Nose - नाक - (naak)
  • Navel - नाभि - (naabhi)
  • Eyelid - पलक - (palak)
  • Rib - पसली - (pasli)
  • Phalange -पोर (अंगुली की) - (pare anguli ki)
  • Spleen - प्लीहा - (pleeha)
  • Back - पीठ - (peeth)
  • Belly - पेट (बहरी) - (pet) bahri
  • Stomach - पेट (भीतरी) - (pet)bhitri
  • Abdomen - पेड़ू - (pedu)
  • Eyeball - पुतली (आँख की) - (putli) aankh ki
  • Muscle - पेशी (पट्ठा) - (peshi)puttha
  • Foot -पैर - (pair)
  • Lung  - फेफड़ा  - (fefra)
  • Arm-pit- बगल - (bagal)
  • Eyelash - बरौनी - (brouni)
  • Vagina - योनी - (yoni)
  • Eyebrow - भौंह - (bhonh)
  • Middle-finger- मध्यमिका - (madhymika)
  • Gum - मसूडा - (masuda)
  • Fist - मुट्ठी - (mutthi)
  • Mouth - मुख - (mukh)
  • Urinary bladder - मूत्राशय - (mutrashey)
  • Moustache - मूँछ - (moonch)
  • Backbone - रीढ़ - (reedh)
  • Forehead - ललाट - (lalaat)
  • Penis - लिंग - (ling)
  • Blood - खून - (khoon)
  • Palm - हथेली - (hatheli)
  • Heart - ह्रदय - (hiriday)

Idioms and Phrases

परीक्षा में Idiom and Phrases का question पूछा जाता है । इसमें Idioms and Phrases का sentences में ऐसा use करना चाहिए जिससे उनका meaning clear होजाये | यहाँ इनके meanings इसलिए दिये जा रहे हैं, जिससे इनका प्रयोग आपकी समझ में आ सके । exam में इनका meaning नहीं लिखना चाहिए ना हिंदी में ना english में ।

Phrasal Verbs

  1. Act on (प्रभाव डालना)--- The drug has acted on his mind.
  2. Act for (किसी के स्थान पर कार्य करना)--- Mr Verma acted for the manager in the month of August.
  3. Bear in mind (ध्यान रखना)--- You must bear in mind that you can fall if you run fast.
  4. Blow down (गिराना)--- The storm has blown down several houses today.
  5. Break out (फैलना)--- A fire broke out in the forest yesterday.
  6. Break into (नकब लगाना, सेंध मारना)--- A thief broke into this house yesterday.
  7. Bring up (पालन करना)--- His elder brother brought him up with love after the death of his parents. 
  8. Bring out (प्रकट करना, समझाना)--- Our class teacher often told us a story to bring out the meaning of a lesson.
  9. Bring out (प्रकाशित करना)--- Our publication house has recently brought out a new edition of Intermediate English Guide
  10. Call off (समाप्त करना)--- The strike of the factory workers has been called off.
  11. Carry out (पालन करना)--- She agreed to carry out my ordrers.
  12. Carry on (प्रबंध करना, चलाना) His son carried on his business properly while he away.
  13. Come across (to meet by chance मिल जाना)--- Rahul came across his schoolmate in the exhibition.
  14. Come down (fall गिरना)--- The price of milk may come down next month.
  15. Come round (ठीक होना)--- My grandfather is ill these days. I hope he will come round soon.
  16. Fall out (quarell)--- He said that your brother has fallen out.
  17. Fall flat (कोई प्रभाव न होना)--- His advice fall flat on his younger sister.
  18. Fall in (गिरना)--- The roof of my house fell in due to earthquake.
  19. Fall on (attack आक्रमण करना, टूट पड़ना)--- Our brave soldiers fell on the enemies and made them run.
  20. Get out (निकलना, बाहर आना)--- A boy fell into a pond and could not get out.
  21. Get out (leave a place चले जाना)--- The teacher asked the boy to get out of the room.
  22. Get up (जागना)--- To get up early in the morning is good for health.
  23. Give up (छोड़ना)--- She has given up songwriting because of headache.
  24. Give in (हर मान लेना)--- Ravi will never give in.It is useless to waste time in persuading him.
  25. Keep on (जारी रखना)--- Some people kept on fighting in the street till t7he police came.
  26. Look after (देखभाल करना)--- His elder brother look after him. So he can devote his time to his studies.
  27. Look for (तलाश करना)--- I'm looking for the book you had given me yesterday.
  28. Make out (समझना)--- The essay is so difficult that I can not make out its sense.
  29. Pass away (die मरना)--- Her grandpa passed away last night.
  30. Pass through (से गुज़ारना)--- A poor man has to pass through many troubles in his life.
  31. Put on (पहनना)--- He has gone into the bathroom to put on his clothes.
  32. Put off (उतारना)--- Put off your cap for some time.
  33. Run after (पीछा करना)--- The police is running after the thief.
  34. Take off (हटाना, remove)--- He took off the cover of refrigerator after some time.
  35. Take up (घेरना)--- The bus took up too much place.
  36. Turn out (बाहर निकालना)--- Yesterday the class teacher turned him out because he was late.

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. A bed of roses (सरल कार्य)--- To climb on a mountain is not a bed of roses.
  2. A red letter day (महत्वपूर्ण अवसर)--- In the history of our India, 26th january is a red letter day.
  3. A bone of contention (झगडे की जड़)--- This house is a bone of contention amoung these brothers.
  4. Apple of discord (झगडे का कारण)--- This bike is an apple of discord between these two brothers.
  5. According to (अनुसार)--- Yesterday she acted according to my suggestion.
  6. By and by (धीरे-धीरे)--- If you decide to work hard you can get a good position by and by.
  7. By leaps and bounds (दिन दूनी, रात चौगुनी)--- Under the guidance of my brother your company is progressing by leaps and bounds.
  8. Come to pass (घटित होना)--- He was driving the car very fast when the accident came to pass.
  9. Die in harness (कर्तव्यपालन करते हुए मरना)--- Our country's many soldiers died in harness at border when Chaina attacked India. 
  10. For the sake of (के लिए)--- He has done all this only for the sake of your good.
  11. Face to face (आमने सामने)--- Yesterday in a village our soldiers and terrorists stood face to face and started firing.
  12. Get rid of (छुटकारा पाना)--- I did not go to his house because I wanted to get rid of his company.
  13. Hot water (संकट)--- He told me that his elder brother is in hot water nowadays.
  14. Hand in hand (साथ साथ)--- Rahul and Modi walked hand in hand for some time in the park.
  15. Hue and cry (आपत्ति, कोलाहल)--- When the teacher came into the room there was much hue and cry against strict rules.
  16. Ins and outs (पूर्ण विवरण)--- The police ordrered him to describe the ins and outs of the matter.
  17. In black and white (लिखकर)--- please give me in black and white what you want to say.
  18. In order to (लिए)--- In order to earn his living he left his village and went to Delhi.
  19. Lose patience (धैर्य खोना)--- You should not hope for success in life if you lose patience in face of difficulties.
  20. Nul and void (प्रभावहीन)--- The district court has declared the proceeding of the Town Area Committee Meeting nul and void.
  21. Nip in the bud (आरम्भ में ही समाप्त कर देना)--- He nips the evils in the bud because he is wise and has a good experience about that.
  22. On behalf of (पक्ष में)--- He said nothing on behalf of the accused. 

Parts of a Sentence

What are the parts of a sentence 

Hello friends, in this post I am going to tell you about the parts of the sentence. l'll do my best attempt to make understand you. Please read this post attentively.

There are two parts of a sentence

1. Subject
2. Predicate

Please study the sentences in the table given below :

Subject Predicate
He goes
Rahul played
They laughed
She wept
I sleep
Dogs bark
In the table every sentence has two parts

1. Subject 
The doer of the action

2. Predicate
Predicate is the part of a sentence which says something about the subject. It always contains a verb.

Please look at the table given below :

Subject Predicate
Qualifiers Head-words
A boy jumped
An elephant swims
The earth moves
My brother studied
Some students failed
Few girls weep
That dog bites

In above table every sentence has two parts- Subject and Predicate. Every subject has two parts Qualifiers and Had-word.

Subject Predicate
Qualifiers Head-word Verb
Determiner Adjective Noun
A fat boy jumped
The lazy fox died
Some pretty flowers faded
His younger sister wept
Those good boys studied
The black dog barks
A beautiful girl smiles

Look at the above table carefully. Subject has two parts Qualifier and Head-word. The head-word of every sentence is noun. Determiner and Adjective are the qualifiers of Head-word (Nouns). Remember Adjective is always placed between determiner and noun.
Now study one more table to understand subject's parts.
Subject Predicate
Determiner Adjective Noun Adjectival Phrase
A green bird sitting in the tree flew away
His younger sister in Mumbai is a famous actress
A beautiful girl of nine was selling baskets
The fat boy running on the road is my brother
An old man with a stick slipped

See above table Determiner, Adjective, Head-word and Adjectival Phrase are the parts of Subject. Determiners and Adjectives are placed before Head-word and Adjectival phrases are placed after Head-words.
Study the next table given below to understand subject in the form of Gerund.

Subject Predicate
Gerund (V+ing)
Walking is good for health
Smoking is harmful
Saving pays
Waiting tires me
Swimming is easy to learn

In the above sentences Subject has only one part that is called Head-word and takes ing form of the verb. Thus we come to know that the Head-word may be Noun, Pronoun or V-ing form (Gerund).

Subject Predicate
Infinitive (to + V)
To work is to worship
To pay the taxes is our duty
To save money is good for future
To work hard should be our motto
to err is human
In the above table Infinitive (to-V) has been used as a subject

Now study the table given below.

Subject Predicate
It is very hot today
It was winter
It is raining
It grew dark
It was six in the morning
There was a king
There are fourty students in our class
There is no difficulty
There lived a rich man in my village

In the above table the subject of every sentence is It or there. Word It is used as a pronoun also and word there is used as a adverb also but there is not used them as a pronoun or as an adverb. There is a different use. Word It can be called Natural It and word there can be called Introductory There.


In above passages you have read Subject has different parts like Determiner, Adjective, Noun, Adjective Phrase etc. The same way Predicate also has its different parts like Verb, Object, Compliment etc.
Study given below table to understand division of predicate.

Also Read

Subject Predicate
Verb Object Compliment
Indirect Direct
Raju gives her a white pen ------
The mother told us a story ------
The teacher teaches us english in the morning
Your brother had given me a book yesterday

Now study the table given below.

Subject Predicate
Verb Object (Direct) Object (Indirect)
Ravi gave a pen to me
My father sent a letter to him
The teacher teaches english to us
He promised all help to my brother

In above table we see that Indirect Object is put after Direct Object in that case we have to use 'to' before Indirect Object.