Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense Active se Passive banane ke Rules

Past Continuous Tense के वाक्यों की Passive Voice बनाने के लिए निम्नांकित Rules का अध्ययन करें |

1. Active Voice से Passive Voice केवल उन्हीं Sentences  की बनेगी जिनमें Transitive Verb का use हुआ है |

2. Subject को Object तथा Object को Subject बनाते हैं |

3. Past Continuous Tense की Passive Voice में helping verb was being तथा were being का use करते हैं |

4. Passive Voice में Verb की 3rd form का use होता है |

Present Indefinite Tense (Simple Present)

Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense 

Affirmative Sentences 

1.  एक लड़की पेड के नीचे बैठी एक किताब पढ रही थी |

Active Voice 

A girl was reading a book sitting under the tree. 

Passive Voice 

A book was being read by a girl sitting under the tree.

2.  शेक्सपियर एक किताब लिख रहा था |

Active Voice 

Shakespeare was writing a book.

Passive Voice 

A book was being written by Shakespeare 

3.  वह अपना कमरा सजा रही थी |

Active Voice 

She was decorating her room.

Passive Voice 

Her room was being decorated by her.

4.  मिन्टो अख्बार पढ रहा था |

Active Voice 

Minto was reading newspaper.

Passive Voice 

Newspaper was being read by Minto.

5.  माली पौधों को पानी दे रहा था |

Active Voice 

The gardener was watering to the plants.

Passive Voice 

The plants were being watered by the gardener.

Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense 

Negative Sentences 

1.  टिंकू पतंग नहीं उडा रहा था |

Active Voice 

Tinku was not flying the kite.

Passive Voice 

The kite was not being flown by Tiny. 

2.  ग़ालिब ग़ज़ल नहीं गा रहा था |

Active Voice 

Ghalib was not singing ghazal. 

Passive Voice 

Ghazal was not being sung by Ghalib.

3. ओरलेन्डो रोज़ालिंड को नहीं देख रहा था

Active Voice 

Orlando was not looking at Rozalind.

Passive Voice 

Rozalind was not being looked at by Orlando.

4. वह उस समय अपना गृह कार्य नहीं कर रही थी |

Active Voice 

She was not doing her homework at that time.

Passive Voice 

Her homework was not being done by her at that time.

5.  धोबी हमारे कपडे नहीं धो रहा था |

Active Voice 

The washerman was not washing our clothes.

Passive Voice 

Our clothes were not being washed by the washerman.

Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense 

Interrogative Sentences 

1.  क्या हेमामालिनी स्टेज पर डिस्को डांस कर रही थी ?

Active Voice 

Was Hemamalini dancing disco on the stage ?

Passive Voice 

Was disco being danced by Hemamalini on the stage ?

2.  क्या बच्चा चाय पी रहा था ?

Active Voice 

Was the child taking tea ?

Passive Voice 

Was tea being taken by the child ?

3.  क्या गाँव वाले चोर का पीछा कर रहे थे ?

Active Voice 

Was the villagers chasing the thief ?

Passive Voice 

Was the theif being chased by the villagers ?

4.  मास्टरजी बच्चों को क्यों पीट रहे थे ?

Active Voice 

Why were the teacher beating the children ?

Passive Voice 

Why were the children being beaten by the teacher ?

5.  तुमको कौन बुला रहा था ?

Active Voice 

Who was calling you ?

Passive Voice 

By whom were you being called ?

Exercise Quiz


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