Passive Voice बनाने के Rules
1. Active Voice से Passive Voice केवल उन्हीं वाक्यों की बनेगी जिनमें Transitive Verb का use हुआ है |
2. Subject (कर्ता) को Object (कर्म) तथा Object (कर्म) को Subject (कर्ता) बनाते हैं |
3. Present Indefinite Tense की Passive Voice में helping verb is, are, am का use करते हैं |
4. Active से Passive बनाने में Verb की 3rd form का use करते हैं |
3. Present Indefinite Tense की Passive Voice में helping verb is, are, am का use करते हैं |
4. Active से Passive बनाने में Verb की 3rd form का use करते हैं |
Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense
Affirmative Sentences
1. राम आम खाता है |
Ram eats the mango. (Active Voice)
The mango is eaten by Ram. (Passive Voice)
2. वह मुझे एक किताब देता है |
He gives me a book. (Active Voice)
इस sentence में दो objects हैं अत: इस की passive voice दो तरीके से बन सकती है |
A book is given me by him. (Passive Voice)
I am given a book by him. (Passive Voice)
("me" को subject के रूप में "I" लिखते हैं |)
3. बढई एक सुन्दर मेज़ बनाता है |
The carpenter makes a beautiful table. (Active Voice)
A beautiful table is made by the carpenter. (Active Voice)
A beautiful table is made by the carpenter. (Active Voice)
4. ये लड़कियां अपना गृह कार्य अच्छी प्रकार करती हैं |
These girls do their home work properly. (Active Voice)
Their home work is done by these girls properly. (Passive Voice)
5. लडके मैदान में क्रिकेट खेलते हैं |
The boys play cricket in the field. (Active Voice)
Cricket is played by the boys in the field. (Passive Voice)
Negative Sentences
Negative Sentences
1. वह अपनी किताब उसे नहीं देता है |
He does not give his book to her. (Active Voice)
His book is not given her by him. (Passive Voice)
She is not given his book by him. (passive Voice)
His book is not given her by him. (Passive Voice)
She is not given his book by him. (passive Voice)
2. मास्टरजी सुबह को अँग्रेज़ी नहीं पढाते हैं |
The teacher does not teach english in the morning . (Active Voice)
English is not taught by the teacher in the morning . (Passive Voice)
3. लड़कियां एक मधुर गीत नहीं गाती हैं |
The girls do not sing a sweet song. (Active Voice)
A sweet song is not sung by the girls. (Passive Voice)
4. प्रधान मंत्री जी स्टेज पर भाषण नहीं देते हैं |
The prime minister does not deliver speech on the stage. (Active Voice)
Speech is not deliverd by the prime minister on the stage. (Passive Voice)
5. वे दरवाज़ा नहीं खोलते हैं |
They do not open the door. (Active Voice)
The door is not opened by them. (Passive Voice)
Interrogative Sentences
1. क्या तुम रोज़ाना अखबार पढते हो ?
Do you read newspaper daily ? (Active Voice)
Is newspaper read by you daily ? (passive Voice)
2. तुम्हें अँग्रेज़ी कौन पढाता है ?
Who teaches you english ? (Active Voice)
English is taught you by whom ? (Passive Voice)
You are taught english by whom ? (Passive Voice)
English is taught you by whom ? (Passive Voice)
You are taught english by whom ? (Passive Voice)
By whom are you taught english ? (Passive Voice)
3. तुम वहाँ क्या करते हो ?
What do you do there ? (Active Voice)
What is done by you there ? (Passive Voice)
4. क्या वह एक गाना गाती है ?
Does she sing a song ? (Active Voice)
Is a song sung by her ? (passive Voice)
5. क्या मास्टरजी रोज़ाना यह पाठ पढाते हैं ?
Does the teacher teach this lesson daily. (Active Voice)
Is this lesson taught by the teacher daily. (Passive Voice)
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