General Awareness
Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense Active Voice से Passive Voice बनाने के Rules
यहाँ पर Active Voice से Passive Voice बनाने के कुछ Rules दिये गये हैं इन्हें ध्यानपूर्वक पढें |
1. Active Voice से Passive Voice केवल उन्हीं Sentences की बनेगी जिनमें Transitive Verb का use हुआ है |
1. Active Voice से Passive Voice केवल उन्हीं Sentences की बनेगी जिनमें Transitive Verb का use हुआ है |
2. Subject को Object तथा Object को Subject बनाते हैं |
3. Past Indefinite Tense की Passive Voice में helping verb was तथा were का use करते हैं |
4. Passive Voice में Verb की 3rd form का use होता है |
Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense
Affirmative Sentences
Examples :
1. उसने मुझे एक किताब दी |
Active Voice
She gave me a book.
Passive Voice
A book was given me by him.
I was given a book by him.
2. प्रधान मंत्री ने स्टेज पर भाषण दिया |
Active Voice
The prime minister delivered speech on the stage.
Passive Voice
Speech was delivered on the stage by the prime minister.
3. राधा ने एक मधुर गीत गाया |
Active Voice
Radha sang a sweet song.
Passive Voice
A sweet song was sung by Radha.
4. सचिन क्रिकेट खेलता था |
Active Voice
Sachin played the cricket.
Passive Voice
The cricket was played by Sachin.
5. मास्टरजी उन्हें रोज़ाना अँग्रेज़ी पढाते थे |
Active Voice
The teacher taught them english daily.
Passive Voice
English was taught them daily by the teacher.
They were taught english daily by the teacher.
I said.
6. मैंने कहा |
Active Voice
I said.
Passive Voice
It is said by me.
Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense
Negative Sentences
Examples :
1. राजा ने उसे नहीं देखा |
Active Voice
The king did not look him.
Passive Voice
He was not looked by the king.
2. उसने खाना नहीं खाया |
Active Voice
He did not eat the food.
Passive Voice
The food was not eaten by him.
3. वह इस नदी में नहीं नहाता था |
Active Voice
He did not take bath in this river.
Passive Voice
Bath was not taken by him in this river.
4. वह कुछ नहीं जानता था |
Active Voice
He knew nothing.
Passive Voice
Nothing was known by him.
5. हम शाम का खाना नहीं खाते थे |
Active Voice
We didn't take dinner.
Passive Voice
Dinner was not taken by us.
Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense
Interrogative Sentences
Examples :
1. क्या वह स्टेज पर गाना गाती थी ?
Active Voice
Did she sing song on the stage ?
Passive Voice
Was song sung by her on the stage ?
2. उसने अखबार क्यों नहीं पढा ?
Active Voice
Why did he not read the newspaper ?
Passive Voice
Why was the newspaper read by him ?
3. आप फुटबॉल क्यों खेलते थे ?
Active Voice
Why did you play the football ?
Passive Voice
Why was the football played by you ?
4. दरवाज़ा किसने खटखटाया ?
Who knocked the door ?
Passive Voice
By whom was the door knocked ?
5. वे नाश्ते में क्या लेते थे ?
Active Voice
What did they take in breakfast ?
What was taken by them in breakfast ?
Passive Voice
What was taken by them in breakfast ?
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Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense
Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense
Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense
Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense Active से Passive बनाने के Rules
1. Active Voice से Passive Voice केवल उन्हीं Sentences की बनेगी जिनमें Transitive Verb का use हुआ है |
2. Subject (कर्ता) को Object (कर्म) तथा Object (कर्म) को Subject (कर्ता) बनाते हैं |
3. Present Perfect Tense की Passive Voice में helping verb has been तथा have been का use करते हैं |
4. Active से Passive बनाने में Verb की 3rd form का use होता है |
Present Perfect Tense (हिन्दी से English बनाने के Rules)
Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense
Affirmative Sentences
Structure of Active Sentence
Subject + has/have + verb(3rd form) + object + compliment
Structure of Passive Sentence
Object of active sentence + has/have + been + verb(3rd form) + by + subject of active sentence + compliment
Examples :
1. राजू ने अपना पाठ याद कर लिया है |
Raju has learnt his lesson. (Active Voice)
His lesson has been learnt by Raju. (Passive Voice)
His lesson has been learnt by Raju. (Passive Voice)
2. गोरी ने मिठाई खा ली है |
Gouri has eaten the sweet. (Active Voice)
The sweet has been eaten by Gouri. (Passive Voice)
3. राधा ने ताजमहल देख लिया है |
Radha has seen the Taj Mehal. (Active Voice)
The Taj Mehal has been seen by Radha. (Passive Voice)
The Taj Mehal has been seen by Radha. (Passive Voice)
4. मास्टरजी ने हमें यह पाठ पढा दिया है |
The teacher has taught us this lesson. (Active Voice)
This lesson has been taught us by the teacher. (Passive Voice)
We have been taught this lesson by the teacher. (Passive Voice)
We have been taught this lesson by the teacher. (Passive Voice)
5. माली फूल तोड चुका है |
The gardner has plucked the flowers. (Active Voice)
The flowers have been plucked by the gardener. (Passive Voice)
Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense
Negative Sentences
Structure of Active Sentence
Subject + has/have + not + verb(3rd form) + object + compliment.
Structure of Passive Sentence
Object of the active sentence + has/have + not + been + verb(3rd form) + by + subject of the active sentence + compliment.
1. मैंने उसे छत पर कभी नहीं देखा है |
I have never seen her on the roof. (Active Voice)
She has never been seen by me on the roof. (Passive Voice)
2. किसान अपना खेत नहीं जोत चुका है |
The farmer has not ploughed his field. (Active Voice)
His field has not been ploughed by the farmer. (Passive Voice)
3. शेर हिरन को नहीं खा चुका है |
The lion has not eaten the deer. (Active Voice)
The deer has not been eaten by the lion. (Passive Voice)
4. धोबी ने हमारे कपडे नहीं धोये हैं |
The washerman has not washed our clothes. (Active Voice)
Our clothes have not been washed by the washerman. (Passive Voice)
He has been said nothing by me. (Passive Voice)
Nothing has been said him by me. (Passive Voice)
Our clothes have not been washed by the washerman. (Passive Voice)
5. मैंने उसे कुछ नहीं कहा है |
I have said him nothing. (Active Voice)
He has been said nothing by me. (Passive Voice)
Nothing has been said him by me. (Passive Voice)
Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense
Interrogative Sentences
Structure of Active Sentence
1. क्या तुमने कभी ताजमहल देखा है ?
Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal ? (Active Voice)
Has the Taj Mahal been ever seen by you ? (passive Voice)
2. क्या पुलिस ने चोर को कैद कर लिया है |
Has the police arrested the thief ? (Active Voice)
Has the thief been arrested by the police ? (Passive Voice)
3. तुमने उसे वह किताब क्यों दी है ?
Why have you given that book to him ? (Active Voice)
Why has that book been given to him by you ? (Passive Voice)
Why has he been given that book by you ? (Passive Voice)
4. तुम्हें यह पाठ किसने पढाया है ?
Who has taught you this lesson ? (Active Voice)
By whom has this lesson been taught you ? (Passive Voice)
5. क्या इन दोनों लडकियों ने आम खा लिये हैं ?
Have these two girls eaten the mangoes ? (Active Voice)
Have the mangoes been eaten by these two girls ? (Passive Voice)