General Awareness

20 sentence of past continuous

1- मैं कल बाजार में सब्जी खरीदने जा रहा था ।
    I was going to buy vegetables in the market.

2- एक कार सड़क पर तेजी से दौड़ रही थी ।
    A car was running fast on the road.

3- पुलिस उसका पीछा कर रही थी ।
    The police was chasing it.

4- कई लड़कियां उसी रास्ते से गुज़र रही थी ।
    Many girls were passing through the same way.

5- एक लड़का चौराहे पर खड़ा था ।
    A boy was standing on the crossing.

6- वह मेरी तरफ गौर से देख रहा था ।
    He was looking at me attentively.

7- उसके पास एक लड़की खड़ी थी ।
    A girl was standing beside him.

8- वह उससे बातें कर रहा था ।
    He was tooking to her.

9-  नो साल की एक सुन्दर लड़की सड़क पर टोकरियां बैच रही थी ।
     A beautiful girl of nine was selling baskets on the road.

10- कुछ महिलाएं खेत में अपना कार्य कर रही थी ।
      Some women were doing their homework in the field.

11- दो हवाई जहाज आकाश में उड़ रहे थे ।
      Two aeroplane were flying in the sky.

12- सब लोग इधर उधर देख रहे थे ।
      All people were seeing here and there

13- पता नहीं वे क्या ढूंढ रहे थे ?
       Don't know what they were looking for.

14- उनमें से एक फोन पर बात कर रहा था ।
      One of them were talking by phone.

15- सामने से एक बस आ रही थी ।
      A bus was coming from the front.

16- बस में एक लड़का बैठा हुआ था ।
      A boy was sitting in the bus.

17- पता नहीं वह मेरी तरफ ऐसे क्यों देख रहा था ।
      Don't know why he was looking at me like this ?

18- क्या बादल हवा में तैर रहे थे ?
      Were the clouds floating in the air.

19- क्या उस दिन बारिश नहीं हो रही थी ?
       Weren't it raining that day ?

20- तुम अपने भाई के साथ कहां जा रहे थे ?  
       Where were you going with your brother ?

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